Question :

Some people believe that the Prophet Muhamamd [(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)] is “Shaheed” and is in Barzakh where he can hear us if we send ‘darood’ on him and also if we ask his ‘wasta’ [by virtue of his closeness to Allah] in praying to God.

What should I believe about him? Can he see what we are doing and can he (PBUH) hear our prayers or does he (saw) have no contact with the world whatsoever?


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is alive in his grave in the sense of the life of al-barzakh, so he enjoys the blessings that Allah has prepared for him as a reward for his great good actions that he did in this world. But the life in the grave is not like the life of this world, or the life in the Hereafter. Rather it is the life of al-barzakh which comes in between his life in this world and his life in the Hereafter. Hence we know that he died as other Prophets and other people before him died.

Allah says “And We granted not to any human being immortality before you (O Muhammad); then if you die, would they live forever? [Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:34]

Whosoever  is on it (the earth) will perish. (26) And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever” (Ar-Rahmaan 55:26,27)

“Verily, you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily, they (too) will die” (Az-Zumar (39:30)

When the tribulations (fitna) and problems increased during the time of ‘Uthmaan and ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with them both), and before and after that, they did not go to his grave to consult him or ask him for a way out of those tribulations and problems, or the way to solve them. If he had been alive in a worldly sense, they would not have overlooked that when they were in such great need of someone to save them from the trials that surrounded them.

With regard to the soul of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), it is in the highest part of “‘Illiyyeen”, because he is the best of creation, and because Allah has given him “Al-Waseelah” which is the highest position in Paradise.The life of al-barzakh is a special life. The Prophets and the shuhada’ (martyrs) are alive in al-barzakh as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The Prophets are alive and they pray in their graves.” (Narrated by al-Mundhiri and al-Bayhaqi who classed it as saheeh because of corroborating reports in al-Saheehayn.).

Allah says “And say not of those who are killed in the way of Allah, ‘They are dead.’ Nay, they are living, but you perceive (it) not” (Al-Baqarah 2:154).

This is a special life, the nature of which is known to Allah. It is not like the life of this world in which the soul remains with the body.

The basic principle concerning the dead is that they do not hear the words of the living sons of Adam, because Allah says: ”….but you cannot make hear those who are in graves” [Faatir 35:22]

Honouring the Prophet (pbuh) and respecting him is by: Believing in all that he came with from Allah, and following his Sharee’ah and ‘aqeedah verbally, actively and in character, and leaving off innovation in the religion, and from innovation in the religion is celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH).

Believing that the Prophet (pbuh) is Hazir and Nazir is Kufr and shirk. 
Making du’aa’ and asking for help are forms of worship, as Allah says :

“And your Lord said: ‘Invoke Me [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) and ask Me for anything] I will respond to your (invocation). Verily, those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islamic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!’” [Al-Ghaafir 40:60]

And according to a report narrated by al-Tirmidhi, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Du’aa’ is worship.”

So it is not permissible to offer du’aa’ to or call upon anyone except Allah. But the evidence indicates that it is permissible to ask another person for some things, but that is subject to two conditions :

1-  That it should be something possible and the person should be able to do it, such as asking a person to give you money when you are in need of it. But if it is something that he is not able to do, then it is not permissible for you to ask him, such as asking a man to let you be one of the people of Paradise, because he is not able to do that even if he is a righteous and pious man.

2-  The person who is asked should be capable, such as one who is alive. It is not permissible to call upon the dead, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“….And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmeer (the thin membrane over the date stone). (13) If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call; and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you” [Al-Faatir 35:13-14]

Nobody other than Allah is hazir and Nazir. There are several Quranic verses which explain this aqeedah.  Allah says:

“With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read)”. (Al-Anam 6:59)

“Muhammad is no more than an apostle: many Were the apostle that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then Turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah. but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude”. (Aale Imran 3:144)

Shaikh Abdul Karim Khudayr states:
The Messenger (PBUH) is the best and most perfect of creation, and the most beloved to Allah and the most honoured by Him. But this does not mean that his human characteristics are to be denied, or that any of the duties of worship which are due only to Allah should be directed to him.

The Messenger (PBUH) was a human being who suffered from sickness and real death the same as any other human being. Allah said :

“Verily, you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily, they (too) will die” [Az-Zumar 39:30]

“And We granted not to any human being immortality before you (O Muhammad); then if you die, would they live forever?” [Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:34]

The Messenger (PBUH) died and was buried in his grave, hence al-Siddeeq Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever used to worship Muhammad, Muhammad has died, but whoever used to worship Allah, Allah is alive and will never die.”

The fact that the Prophet (PBUH) was a witness, a bringer of glad tidings and a Warner, and that he will be a witness on the Day of Resurrection, does not mean that he is present among all nations, or that he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will remain alive until the Day of Resurrection, or that he sees and witnesses whilst he is in his grave. Witnessing does not only mean seeing. Rather he will testify against the nations by means of what Allah tells him, for he does not know the unseen. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“… and If I had the knowledge of the Ghaib (Unseen), I should have secured for myself an abundance of wealth…” [Al-A’raaf 7:188]

The Prophet (PBUH) does not have the ability to be present in numerous places; he is in only one place, which is his grave, and this is according to the consensus of the Muslims.  According to a Saheeh hadeeth, the Prophet (PBUH)said:  Allah has angels who travel about in the earth and convey to me the salaams (prayers and salutations) of my Ummah)

And he (PBUH) said:  There is no one who sends salaams (prayers and salutations) upon me but Allah will restore my soul to me so that I may return his salaam

And he (PBUH) said:  The best of your days is Friday, so send more blessings (salaah) upon me on that day, for your blessings will be shown to me.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, how will they be shown to you when you (your body) have disintegrated?” He said, “Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets.



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