Dr. Jerald F. Dirks accepted Islam part 2

While I never spoke to my Muslim friends about those hooks, my wife and I had…

Dr. Jerald F. Dirks accepted Islam part 1

Dr. Jerald F. Dirks (Abu Yaliya) Former minister (deacon) of the United Methodist Church. He holds…

Malaysian Pop Star Reverts To Islam

   Malaysian pop singer officially announced her reversion to Islam during a press conference held at…

Akifah Baxter, Ex-Christian, USA

I have always been aware of the existence of God.  I have always felt that He…

Loving Jesus or Muhammad: Can I Have Both?

  Many Christians who were raised in a Christian home and nurtured with the love of…

US Professor of Comparative Religion Finds Islam

    My name is James Frankel. I’ll be talking a little bit to you about…

I Found the Best of Australian Culture in Islam

My Life Before Islam My name is Mustafa Samuel. My ex-name is Steven. My background is…

Aron’s Journey to Islam

  Why did I accept Islam? This is a question that I have been asked many…

My Curiosity Made Me Muslim!

    Ibraheem Greeves is an elderly British man who witnessed the creation of the state…

I Didn’t Want to Die an Idiot!

I can remember, throughout my childhood, all the times my parents fought over money issues, living…