Free mixing Between the Sexes

Free mixing Between the Sexes     Shaykh Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Aal-Al Sheikh [1311-1389 H (1893-1969…

Have you considered the fire which you strike

In the next coming lines we will live with this verse from Quran (Allah's words): He…

Akifah Baxter, Ex-Christian, USA

I have always been aware of the existence of God.  I have always felt that He…

Muhammad, The Prophet of Allah

What do Muslims believe about Muhammad peace be upon him ? All praise is due to…

The collection and compilation of the Quran

Part 1: During the Lifetime of the Prophet: A study of the compilation of text must…

, Poet and Novelist, UK

  Every child is born with a disposition towards the natural religion of obedience (i.e. Islam);…

What the Bible Says About Muhammad

    What the Bible Says About Muhammad According to the Bible, God said to Moses,…

20 Unseen Miracles

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases…

The essential steps for converting to Islam

The essential steps for converting to Islam

Is ‘Allah’ the same god of the Jews and Christians?

  God of The Jews And Christians? Is ‘Allah’ the same god of the Jews and…