Many Christians who were raised in a Christian home and nurtured with the love of…
Dearborn Mourns Muslim Pioneer
Dearborn community mourned Muslim pioneer Michael Berry, a Dearborn attorney who was the former chairman…
OIC to Launch TV Channel
Filling a crucial communication gap between the Muslim world and the West, the Organization of…
3 Examples of Success for UK Black Muslims
October is UK’s Black History Month. Marking this occasion, OnIslam is shedding light on 3…
Muslim Tops UK’s Influential Asians List
Topping the ‘Power 101 Britain’s Most Influential Asians 2015’ list, a British Muslim cabinet minister…
US Professor of Comparative Religion Finds Islam
My name is James Frankel. I’ll be talking a little bit to you about…
I Found the Best of Australian Culture in Islam
My Life Before Islam My name is Mustafa Samuel. My ex-name is Steven. My background is…
My Curiosity Made Me Muslim!
Ibraheem Greeves is an elderly British man who witnessed the creation of the state…
Islamic Treatment of Non-Combatants
Islam has provided the most humane of the rules of combat in existence, and I…