Refuting of Innovated Christian Beliefs

If refuting the unfounded fallacious dogmas that have crept into the traditional Christian beliefs is your…

Jesus Freaks

  Description: A comparison between hippies, Christians, Jesus and Muslims! Recollections of a convert to Islam.…

Where is the “Christ” in “Christianity bible?”

Description: Does Christianity actually follow the teachings of Jesus and the early apostles? Religious scholars have…

Happiness in Islam (part 3): Happiness is Found in Sincere Worship

in Part 1, we discussed the evolution of happiness in western thought, and its effect on…

Happiness in Islam (part 2): Happiness & Science

Description: Islam agrees with scientific methods of attaining happiness Part 1 of Happiness in Islam discussed…

Happiness in Islam (part 1) Concepts of Happiness

Even though happiness is perhaps one of the most important things in life, science still can…

Happiness in Islam (part 1) Concepts of Happiness

Even though happiness is perhaps one of the most important things in life, science still can…

Muhammad Presents his Brother Jesus to Mankind

                      «…whose name will be the…

The Civilized Principles in the Prophet’s Biography

Allah (THE ALMIGHTY) had granted his Messenger (PBUH) both the beauty of appearance and the beauty…

The Honorable Civilized Principles of (Jihad) of the Prophet PBUH

The second discredit about the character and way of conduct of the Prophet PBUH was the…