Steinmann, Ex-Secularist, UK

Description: One persons reasons for accepting Islam in relation to statements made by certain renowned individuals.…

Diana, Ex-Mormon, USA

I was raised in a moderately Christian home in Colorado.  Religion was never much of an…

Amber Acosta, Ex-Catholic, USA

Why did I become Muslim? I can clearly remember the day I officially converted at Al-Azhar…

Saumya, Ex-Hindu, India

  When the truth is revealed to you and you stand face to face with it,…

The Seven Earths

A simple image of Earth and the interior layers. The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is the…

Killing like Jesus

Christians constantly say that Jesus is their role model, their example, and their leader; he is…

The Man who Challenged the Quran

Gary Miller In 1977, Professor Gary Miller, the active Canadian preacher and mathematics and logic lecturer…

Attestations for women is not equal to the men in islam !!!

In Islam, one male witness equals two females: The Quran says (what means): {And get two…

Inheritance in Islam unfair to women with men?

Some people claim that Islam is unjust towards women because it entitles them to inherit half…

What Others Say About Him??

  During Crusade Era, many lies were concocted by the missionary and western writers to discredit…