Obeying the Prophet Muhammad

      The Important Position of the Sunnah One of the fundamental principles in Islam…

Fighting till they Convert!?

        A common hadith that missionary propagandists often bring up is the following…

Women in the Bible VS Women in Islam

      The amazing Biblical treatment of women   by Ibn Anwar Christian missionaries often…

UK: Number of Muslim converts doubled in 10 years

New study reveals some 5,000 Britons covert to Islam each year despite growing criticism of Muslim…

Is Jesus God?

  Is Jesus God? (Debate Material) Sami Zaatari The following paper is the debate material I…

Is Jesus really Sinless?

Often times we hear Christians claim that Jesus the messiah was a sinless man, and since…

Jesus is not God

It is quite easy to figure out if Jesus was God or not, the first and…

The Sunnah with Regard to Siwak

  Siwak means cleaning the mouth and teeth with a siwak, which is the name given…

Helping Others Cure Stress

“None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself“…. The…

The Old Testament

Description: A look at what Judeo-Christian scholars say about the authenticity and preservation of the Old…