Explosion of the oldest star in the universe

Recently, scientists monitored  one of the stars Recently, scientists monitored  one of the stars, which is…

A Contradiction in the story of Pigs

  There is a famous story written in the Gospel of Mark: The Healing of a…

Kristiane Backer, from MTV to Mecca

Allah sent down and give him a light of guidance to whoever He wills, and by…

Miracle split the moon

Old astronomers discovered a long indentation on the moon and that was two hundred years ago…

The Muslim View of the Ascension of Jesus

By Abu Iman Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires. Based on a response to an email message from…

Why does Islam keep women behind the veil?

The Islamic veil or “hijab” refers to the loose-fitting, opaque outer garments with which a Muslim…

why Islam Is The Most Growing Religion ?

    Islam is the last Divine Religion revealed to man. Islam recognizes previous divine revelations. On…

Dog breeding is forbidden according to a prophetic order, why?

  In this article a new scientific discovery which is a proof on the sincerity of…

The Holy Spirit is Greater than Jesus

Christians claim that Jesus is God, yet if Jesus is God this then means there cannot…

Waves under ocean

  The holy Qur’an referred to a new scientific discovery that is in the deep of…