The Difference between the Bible and the Qur’an

Based on a transcript of a lecture by Dr. Gary Miller The Bible is a collection…

“Is ‘King James’ Version the Actual Bible?”

“Is ‘King James’ Version the Actual Bible?”Muslims Break the “Code” – Scholars of Islam Have the…

Contradictions in the Bible

Contradictions in the Bible Bible – A Closer Look!by Yusuf Estes – Former Christian – Muslim…

Bible .. A Closer Look! —- Muslims Break the Code by Yusuf Estes – Former Christian – Mu

Bible .. A Closer Look! —-        Muslims Break the   Codeby Yusuf Estes – Former Christian –…

101 Contradictions in the Bible

  By Shabir Ally 1. Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? God…

Did God Become Man?

by Dr. A. B. Philips (PhD Theology, University of Wales, U.K.)   Table of Contents Foreword…

Dear Christian’s Please Ask Yourself ?

“Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we…

Crucifixion Or Cruci-fixion?

By Ahmed Deedat CHAPTER 1 THE ONLY SALES-POINT “MOST INFLUENTIAL MEN” Recently, an American historical researcher…

Comparing Codes of Belief Between Islam & Christianity

Islam Christianity Allah (God Almighty) is the only Creator of all that exits. There is one…

The Civilised Family System

  The Civilised Family System By Sayyid Qutb If the family is the basis of the…