A Concise Reply to Christianity – A Muslim View

A Concise Reply to Christianity – A Muslim View By Dr. Gary Miller   If this…

Constriction of Breasts in the Sky

And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills…

A Greek Man Discovers Islam

A Greek Man Discovers Islam   I was born in Greece, a country known for being…

A Greek Man Discovers Islam

A Greek Man Discovers Islam I was born in Greece, a country known for being one…

Jizyah – Non-Muslims’ Right of Protection and Security

  Some writers have deliberately misinterpreted the Jizyah tax. Never did the Muslims force their religion…

Islam & Christianity

Islam & Christianity If Islam and Christianity came from the same God, why are they so…

Priorities of Islamic Activities in the West

Priorities of Islamic Activities in the West by Shaykh `Abdul Rahman `Abdul Khaliq Muslim minorities in…

Abdus Salam Clinton Sipes

  Abdus Salam Clinton Sipes   The amazing story of a violent, drunken, racist, cross-burning Klu…

Basic Beliefs: Christian versus Muslim

Basic Beliefs: Christian versus Muslim Belief in What Christians Believe What Muslims Believe God God is…

Women in Islam Vs Women in the Judeo-Christian Tradition

Women in Islam Vs Women in the Judeo-Christian Tradition Eve’s Fault? The Judaeo-Christian conception of the…