Reverts to Islam In Modern Times

From Sheik Yusuf Estes, National Chaplain, Alexandria, VA – USA. Salam Alaykum: We received an email…

A Girl On A Mission

      Aminah Assilmi   This American lady, a former radical feminist and Southern Baptist…


WHO IS MUHAMMAD? Muhammad was born in Makkah in the year 570, at a time when…

The position of woman in islam

The position of woman in islam In Islaam, the woman is accorded a high position which…

The Quran on Mountains

The Quran on Mountains A book entitled Earth is a basic reference textbook in many universities…

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Muslims are taught that prophets are humans who have been selected by God…

The Quran on the Origin of the Universe

The Quran on the Origin of the Universe The science of modern cosmology, observational and theoretical,…

Virtues of the Holy Quran

  Virtues of the Holy Quran   Reciting the Holy Quran brings inifinte numbers of benefits…

Dr. Ali Selman Benoist, Ex-Catholic, France

Dr. Ali Selman Benoist, Ex-Catholic, FranceAs a Doctor of Medicine, and a descendant of a French…