Survey shows Islam on rise, Christianity on decline in UK

London: Islam is continually growing at rapid pace across the globe and the European countries are particularly experiencing growing number of Muslims in their population. On the other hand, they are also witnessing drastic decline in Christianity among their people as people find peace in the true religion of Islam.

These facts have been endorsed by different surveys conducted in the western world. Recently, a new large-scale survey also completely endorsed the facts and showed a dramatic decline in Christianity among young British people and an equally notable increase in the numbers adhering to Islam.

The survey of 20,062 people was commissioned by former British Conservative party’s Deputy Chairman, Lord Ashcroft.

Titled “Small island: Public opinion and the politics of Immigration,” the poll included a question asking, “To which of the following religious groups do you consider yourself to be a member of?”

According to a press release on the National Secular Society website, some 36 percent of those surveyed across all age categories have no religion while 55 percent said that they are Christians and 3 percent described themselves as Muslim.

Meanwhile, in the 18-24 age group, 46 percent said that they have no religion while 33 said that they are Christians and 11 percent identify themselves as Muslim.

“The large number of young people identifying as Muslims – much larger than previous generations – suggests that Islam will soon be a much more significant force in this country than it is at the moment,” said Terry Sanderson, President of the National Secular Society.

Earlier in May, an analysis of the 2011 census suggested that Islam could overtake Christianity as the dominant religion in Britain in ten years for the first time ever.

According to the report published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the number of people following the Christian faith in the UK has fallen from 71.7 percent in 2001 to 59.3 percent in 2011.

Source: Islam Online

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