Peace in islam

Peace in islam God calls to the Home of Peace.” (The Quran, 10:25) The very word…

William, Ex-Jew, USA

My name is William, and I live in a large Midwestern city in the United States. …

Dirk Walter Mosig, Ex-Catholic, Germany

At some point in your life, you should pick up a copy of the Quran and…

K James, Ex-Christian, USA

It all began back in the late 90’s.  I was a San Diego police officer and…

One day in the sight of Allah is 1,000 or 50,000 years.

A particular verse of the Qur’an says that one day in the sight of Allah is…

Solution to Terrorism ( in islam)

  People worldwide are trying to find a solution to terrorism. The authorities are trying to…

The Islamic Shariah and the USA

Three states have passed anti Sharia-laws since 2010 and now, 17 others are discussing similar bills.…

Cut Off the Hand

  Dr. Ishaq Zahid n an educational setting, I was asked Where are the laws such…


Question: 1. Is the Prophet (PBUH) or any other being apart from Allah Omnipresent? Can we…

Benefits of Becoming a Muslim

by Ahmad H. Sakr, Ph.D. This article is designed for those who wish to become Muslim;…