And among His Signs is that He created for you wives from among yourselves

“And among His Signs is that He created for you wives from among yourselves” Marriage is…

This is the creation of Allah: the camel

This is the creation of Allah: the camel   Camels have lived in some of the…

Mohamed is the most Influential man in history

Mohamed is the most Influential man in history Non-Muslims say that, when they are thinking and…


The holy verse: God be He exalted says: (and there is not a thing but glorifies…

Charity of the smile

Charity of the smile Smiling Helps us Stay Positive because When we smile our body is…

Sleeping on the right side

Sleeping on the right side Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him advised us 1400 years ago…

Healing by fasting

And that you fast, it is better for you if only you know … Today, physicians…

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad (part 2 of 4)

Description: The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a false prophet.  Part 2: A discussion on…

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad (part 1 ): Witnesses of Scholars

  Description: The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a false prophet.  Part 1: The difficulties…

Secrets of Hajj(pilgrimage)

That they may witness things that are of benefit to them and mention the Name of…