Is the Bible a book of Peace?

Christians often claim that Islam, and the Quran is not a religion/book of peace because it…

Palmae dactylifere (Dates)

Allah The Almighty said to Maryam (Mary) (Peace be upon her): (And shake towards thyself the trunk…

Reverend David Benjamin Keldani, Catholic Priest, Iran

When asked how he came to Islam he wrote: “My conversion to Islam cannot be attributed…

Do You Know This Book ?

Introduction   This booklet is for every freethinking and broadminded human being whose goal is to…

Jesus’ Mission

  Now one might ask: If the Qur’an denies the Trinity and the Sonship of Jesus,…

Justice: Islam’s ultimate value

    Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): “And the heaven He raised and imposed the…

Properties of Deep Seas

  “Or (the unbelievers’ state) is like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered…

Gems from the treasury of the Quran

The Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad  said: “The best amongst you are those who learn the Quran…

The ideal personality of the Muslim

The ideal Muslim character is distinct and balanced. The Muslim is the embodiment of the teachings…

Quarantine: A Prophetic Discover

  “If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it;…