Remove anti-Islam film from YouTube, US appeals court orders Google

        Washinton: A US appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google to remove from…


   If a man is allowed to marry more than one woman, then why women don’t…

The Story of Love Part 2

      True love: As we have mentioned, this festival was annulled by Christian clerics…

The Story of Love Part 1

    The word “love” has great meaning, significance and is subject to certain limits in…

The Probability of Macro-evolution

      Introduction: Science has accomplished enormous progress and achievements in genetics since the turn…

Hijab in the Bible and Torah (part 2 of 2)

Modern Jewish women who cover their hair ascribe various meanings to the act.  For some it…

Hijab in the Bible and Torah (part 1 of 2): Hijab in Christian Denominations

The literal meaning of hijab is to veil, to cover or to screen.  It encompasses more…

Chilean Team Puts Palestine Map on Shirt

    The popularity of a Chilean football team has jumped up after it decided to…

British Actress Embraced Islam

    I embraced Islam after graduating from Cambridge. Prior to that I was a skeptical…

Islam Divides Mankind into Believers and Kafirs

      It is alleged that Islam divides mankind into Believers and Infidels/Kafirs; Response; Kafir…