Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe “I did not want to ‘trade in’ my culture. I wanted access to new…

A Greek Man Discovers Islam

A Greek Man Discovers Islam   I was born in Greece, a country known for being…

A Greek Man Discovers Islam

A Greek Man Discovers Islam I was born in Greece, a country known for being one…

Abdus Salam Clinton Sipes

  Abdus Salam Clinton Sipes   The amazing story of a violent, drunken, racist, cross-burning Klu…

Idris Tawfiq

Idris Tawfiq, Catholic Priest, UK “Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find…

Abdullah al-Faruq

Abdullah al-Faruq – Formerly Kenneth L. Jenkins, minister and elder of the Pentecostal Church Foreword As…

Malik Mohammed Hassan, Canada

First of all, I would like to start by saying that this true story is not…

An Austrian Scientist Discovers Islam

  Born 1953 in the town Linz in Austria, I spent my childhood in Munich (Germany)…

Sufyaan Gent: It was as if ‘the scales fell from my eyes’

Sufyaan Gent was born Maurice Alexander Gent. Prior to embracing Islam, he tried various Christian sects,…

A witness to the Church persecution

Isaac Helal Masseha’s story of Embracing Islam A witness to the Church persecution Translated by :May…