Many people allege that women in Islam are degraded because they wear Hijab. They say that…
Misconceptions about Islam
Why are two women witnesses equivalent to only one man?
Why are two women witnesses equivalent to only one man? This question is…
Non- Muslims are not permitted to enter Makka and Madinah
Non- Muslims are not permitted to enter Makka and Madinah Question: Why are non-Muslims…
Islam Divides Mankind into Believers and Kafirs
It is alleged that Islam divides mankind into Believers and Infidels/Kafirs; Response; Kafir…
Why Do Muslims Pray?!
Why Do Muslims Pray?! Medical and other advantages of prayer All praise be to…
Is Divorce easy in isalm?!!
It is alleged that divorce in Islam is very easy; a…
Muslims celebrate the Christian meaning of Christmas
The Christmas holiday is coming upon us, with colorful lights, joyful carols and people going…
A Detailed analysis of the Prophet’s Marriage to Aisha
This site including myself have already written a couple of articles regarding the prophet’s marriage to…
Quranic Hate Speech against the Jews? Or is it the Bible?
Quranic Hate Speech against the Jews? Or is it the Bible? Sami Zaatari The owner of…
Why does Islam keep women behind the veil?
The Islamic veil or “hijab” refers to the loose-fitting, opaque outer garments with which a Muslim…