The Prophet’s marriage to Khadeejah II

Respect for the family Another clue was the Prophet’s respect for his family. ‘Aa’ishah said:  “The…

The Prophet’s marriage to Khadeejah – I

The period of the family life of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, during his marriage…

The need for Prophet Muhammad

The old world was completely disarranged by the middle of the sixth century and man had…

Muhammad the orphan -II

He, passed his childhood days in a manner quite strange for the Arabian society. Instead of…

Muhammad the orphan – I

Initially, after his birth, Thuwaybah, the freed slave-girl of Abu Lahab Ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib, suckled him for…

A glimpse of the Prophet’s life before Prophethood

It is the Will of Allaah The Almighty that He has chosen His Prophets and Messengers,…

Attributes of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him

  The Divine nurture and cultivation with which Almighty God had schooled all His prophets blessed…

The Secret of Muhammad’s Greatness Peace be upon Him

What is his secret, you think, I asked? I am by no means the first to…

Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood (part 1) Proofs of His Prophethood

  Description: Evidence for the claim that Muhammad was a true prophet and not an imposter.…

Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood (part 2): Was He a Liar?

A Logical Analysis of His Claim As discussed earlier, Muhammad made the claim, ‘I am God’s…