why Islam Is The Most Growing Religion ?

    Islam is the last Divine Religion revealed to man. Islam recognizes previous divine revelations. On…

Suicide is not a solution to life’s trials

Question Is it permissible for me to kill myself if I am born loser, always afflicted…

Why a billion Muslims abstain from food and drink ?

    First:   Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan as Allah ordered them to…

A Prophet Broke His Father’s Idols!

This is a true story about a boy whose father used to manufacture idols. These idols…

God’s Sole Right to Worship

  The reason behind Allah’s right to the worship we offer in exclusion to others, the…

The Journey into the Hereafter (part 5 of 8): The Unbeliever in the Grave

  A description of the life in the grave between death and Judgment Day for the…

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

A look at the various principles of Islam which show that Islam is truly a mercy…

Tasks of Angels in Islam

        Allah The Almighty described the tasks of some of the angels Saying…

What is Islam? part 4

There are five simple but essential observances that all practicing Muslims accept and follow.  These “Pillars…

What is Islam? part 3

There are many aspects of belief in which one who adheres to Islam must have firm…