Aqeedah (Islamic Creed)

* Surety of Belief* Israa’ and Mi‘raaj Verily the Believers are those who believe in Allah…

How to End Racism!

How to End Racism Recent events remind us that racism remains rampant. Yet we can easily…

Moderate Islam a concern for every Muslim

  A period of 40 years is quiet enough for any country or society to set…

Fear of Allah

As Du’ât, we should aim for the highest level of being Muslims by having ihsan, which…

Corruption of the Torah

A while ago, a Muslim brother forwarded a message he found on a Jewish net which attempted…

Do You Know This Book ?

Introduction   This booklet is for every freethinking and broadminded human being whose goal is to…

Justice: Islam’s ultimate value

    Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): “And the heaven He raised and imposed the…

The ideal personality of the Muslim

The ideal Muslim character is distinct and balanced. The Muslim is the embodiment of the teachings…

Life After Death

How Do Muslims View Death? Muslims believe that the present life is a trial in preparation…

The Truth about the Concept of Original Sin

The Truth about the Concept of Original Sin I dedicate this booklet to Allah. I am…