Loses Baby After Niqab Attack

        Reflecting a worrying curve in anti-Islam attacks in France, a pregnant Muslim…

Islam ‘Flexible’ on Niqab Removal

Australian Muslim leaders have highlighted Islam’s flexibility on the removal of face-veils, or niqab, in necessities,…

UK Guards Mosques

British Police will provide around-the-clock protection for m osques and other Islamic sites in the wake…

Missouri Gov Vetoes Anti-Islam Bill

        A leading US Muslim advocacy group has praised the brave move of…

American Muslims Best Example of Islam

            A former Guantanamo guard who embraced Islam during his service…

Indonesia Mosques Banned Loudspeakers

          The Indonesian government is planning to ban mosques from using loudspeakers…

After Attacks and Threats, Tennessee Mosque Opens

          After years of attacks, threats and court action, an Islamic center…

Belgium Allows Hijab

A Belgian city has rescinded a six-year-old ban on the wearing of hijab, allowing civil servants…

Muslim Consultative Committee established

  A forum represented by several Muslim organizations and individuals, which will be an apolitical body,…

UK: Number of Muslim converts doubled in 10 years

New study reveals some 5,000 Britons covert to Islam each year despite growing criticism of Muslim…