Christian Scholars Recognize Contradictions in the Bible (part 2 of 7): Examples of Interpolation

In John 3:16 – AV(KJV) we read: “For God so loved the world, that he gave…

Religious Mysteries 101 – The Crucifixion

Description: An analytical look into the basis and proofs for the mysterious crucifixion of Jesus Christ.…

Punishments in the Bible

This will be yet another supplement to my initial article which dealt with the issue of…

The Bible tells us that Abraham married his sister. Is it Forbidden or Not?

        Is it Forbidden or Not?   The Bible’s incompleteness and incoherency The…

Women in the Bible VS Women in Islam

      The amazing Biblical treatment of women   by Ibn Anwar Christian missionaries often…

The Old Testament

Description: A look at what Judeo-Christian scholars say about the authenticity and preservation of the Old…

The Bible confirms the Quran Again

  We can present further evidence to document this fact, the latest evidence comes from 3…

What the Bible says about Jesus

        The aim of this article will be to show that Jesus according…

The Bible Denies the Divinity of Jesus- Part 2

4)  The Greatest Commandment in the Bible and the Quran: Some will say that this whole…

Christian Scholars Recognize Contradictions in the Bible (part 2 of 7): Examples of Interpolation

  Some examples of the interpolations in the Bible, as mentioned by Christian scholars. In John…