The Doctrine of Original Sin

“Say (O Muhammad): ‘O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Exceed not the limits in…

Missionary Christianity – A Muslim’s Analysis Part 4

APPLICATION TO ISLAM Of course one might ask if the points raised in this article cannot…

Missionary Christianity – A Muslim’s Analysis Part 3

THE STATUS OF THE BIBLE In such discussions, several things should be noted. First, the Muslim…

Missionary Christianity – A Muslim’s Analysis Part 2

THE STATUS OF THE BIBLE We believe that the Bible contains the words of God and…

Missionary Christianity – A Muslim’s Analysis part 1

INTRODUCTION Let there be no misunderstanding of our intentions. This booklet is not an assault on…

Refuting of Innovated Christian Beliefs

If refuting the unfounded fallacious dogmas that have crept into the traditional Christian beliefs is your…

Killing like Jesus

Christians constantly say that Jesus is their role model, their example, and their leader; he is…

Islamic Monotheism vs. Trinitarian Polytheism

Indeed Islam is the religion of the truth, the perfected religion, and the religion of pure…

Difficulties, Contradictions and Problems in the Crucifixion tale (part 3)

Contention 6: Jesus was a very righteous man and a great prophet so it would have…

Difficulties, Contradictions and Problems in the Crucifixion tale (part 2)

Contention 2: There are no reliable multiple independent attestions The following are some of the historical…