Discovering the Real Jesus (part 1 of 6): Mark vs. Matthew and Luke

Many scholars and students of the Bible have observed how similar the gospels are to each…

Divinity of Jesus? An Inquiry

      Description: A look into the verses of the Bible which support or oppose…

God and Jesus – According to the Quran, New and Old Testament

                    The True Concept of God The…

Who was Jesus?

    There are many questions that come to mind when the name Jesus is mentioned.…

Jesus in the Glorious Quran

The Quran tells us many wonderful things about Jesus. As a result, believers in the Quran…

The Descriptive Titles of Jesus in the Quran (part 2)

A “Word” and “Spirit” from God (3) “Word” from God Jesus is referred to as a…

The Descriptive Titles of Jesus in the Quran (part 1)

“The Messiah” and “a Miracle” Description: A discussion of the name, titles, and description of Jesus…

Jesus’ Greatest Commandment

Description: A commandment that, if kept, will make one be not far from the Kingdom of…

Jesus Freaks

  Description: A comparison between hippies, Christians, Jesus and Muslims! Recollections of a convert to Islam.…

Where is the “Christ” in “Christianity bible?”

Description: Does Christianity actually follow the teachings of Jesus and the early apostles? Religious scholars have…