Muslims in American respond to evil with good.

Muslims in American respond to evil with good.

Responding to hate with kindness, American Muslims have launched a nation-wide food drive for charities, in which scores of mosques and thousands of Muslims participated.

“While we mourn the loss of three young and extraordinary American Muslims, and the brutal way they were killed, the Quran instructs us to respond to evil with good,” shared Tarek El-Messidi, national coordinator of FeedTheirLegacy in a press released published by the group.

Together with the support of the victims’ families, they launched FeedTheirLegacy, a nationwide canned food drive for the hungry.

“One month later, we still grieve the sudden loss of our family, the silver lining in this tragedy is amazing efforts like FeedTheirLegacy. The amount of food charity given in their memory comforts us tremendously, knowing that their lives inspired so much good,” said Deah’s sister Suzanne Barakat.

After two weeks of work, 230 mosques, Muslim Student Associations (MSAs), churches, and schools nationwide have registered to host canned food drives to feed the hungry in their communities, giving all cans to local food pantries.

Within two weeks of the website launch, food drives reported over 60,000 cans collected.

References: alukah

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