Why did prophet Mohammed marry Aisha the young girl?


Before refuting this misconception, I should ask a question:

Is the real purpose to criticize the marriage of young girls, or distorting the imageof Prophet Mohammed?

Most of western people are astonished when they realized that Prophet Mohammed, peace and blessing be upon him,  married a nine- year old child when he was fifty years old, neglecting that marriage in such age was a natural matter, therefore it is clear that they are not criticizing the early marriage of a nine- year-old as much as they are keen to criticize and distort the image of the Prophet of Islam; this unveils their false human feeling under the pretext of defending the rights of Islam.

If they are not so, they should have spoken about such marriage as a general phenomena, before and after Islam.

If such Marriage was strange, then why didn’t the disbelievers of Quraish use it as a pretext against Mohammed?

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was born in a society in which early marriage was something normal. Moreover, his enemies, who tried to kill him, didn’t  use such marriage as a pretext to distort his picture. Thus, marrying girls in such society is normal.

Quran recorded their claims, but Quran didn’t say anything about this misconception and other prophets “Even so there came no messenger unto those before them but they said: A wizard or a madman!” (Quran 51: 52)

Did they know the marriage age in Judaism? All those claim should also focus on the stipulation of the Jewish religion which allowed marrying a girl of three years and one day!! The old testament narrated the story of the marriage of Isaac from Refka while she was just three years old. (Genesis 17: 17) and (Genesis 25: 20) The 55 th commandment of Sanhedrin stated: “A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition.” The 11 th commandment of Talmud Khathboth mentioned: “The sexual intercourse between an adult man and a young girl is something ordinary.” While their book permit to marry one- day old, they criticize a man marry 9- year- old- child. Absolutely, you are a double person standard.

The new testament recorded that David, peace and blessing be upon him, when he was very old, he married a young virgin child. Did David (PBUH) commit this rape by your judgment?

Europe also allows marrying young ladies; the marriage in early age was prevailing in Europe itself, especially the early marriage of kings and rulers in the 12th century; for example, according to (William of Tyre), Anias was just eight years old when she reached Constantine while Alexis was thirteen years old (2). Moreover, the wife of Alexis kimonos I was twelve years old when she married and became an empress before attaining fifteen years. As for the empress of Byzantium “Theodora” the wife of Manwel, she was thirteen years old when she married the prince of Jerusalem “Baldwin iii”; moreover, “Margret Maria Hingaria” married “Izak Anglos ii” when she was nine years.


The age of consent in most countries all over the world, if we look at the current era i.e. after 14 centuries from the marriage of the prophet from Lady Aisha. AVERT, is an international charity based on UK and was interested in studying  HIV/ AIDS diseases as she wants to prevent such diseases, mentioned a detailed table in its website about the age of the contest i.e. the legal age of practicing the sexual intercourse worldwide. For example,

Is it logical to judge a marriage case that took place before 1400 years under the laws of the 21 th century. Do you know that Lady Aisha was engaged before marrying Prophet Mohammed, thus it is normal. Therefore, he did not marry his wife for lust or worldly desires. If Prophet Mohammed, peace and blessing be upon him, had married for his lust, whims, and desires, why wouldn’t he have married many virgin and young ladies? If you look for the Prophet‘s marriages, you will find that he didn’t marry a virgin except Aisha! How come for a lusty man as you claim to marry a single virgin among his wives!

In conclusion, we present everything about marrying child whether by Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), by any other Prophet in New or Old Testament, or in whole Europe.

The wisdom of polygamy you may find in the below link…

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Source: R-Islam

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