
Why Islam Fights Immorality

It should not come as a surprise to us that Islam takes a very serious view…

Think! May Be It’s For Your Good

  Remember when you were very young and loved to play in the kitchen with all…

Was Jesus Crucified?

A very significant pillar in the Christian dogma is the crucifixion of Jesus, peace be upon…

Writing about the Oppressed Muslim Women: Backfiring!

My name is Aisha and I was born in 1990 and without eyesight, in Sanford, Florida.…

Is it lawful for Christians to eat pork?

  Jesus did not eat pork. He followed the laws of Moses and he did not eat pork. In   Leviticus 11:7-8, “7 And the swine, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but   does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8Of their flesh you shall not eat, and their   carcasses you shall not touch; they are unclean to you.”11 Jesus’ only dealing with pigs   was his permission to the unclean spirits which were possessing a man to enter them.   When they entered the herd of pigs, they ran into the water and drowned. However, most   people who call themselves Christians today not only eat pork, they love it so much that   they have made pigs the subject of nursery rhymes [ e.g. This little piggy went to market…


   If a man is allowed to marry more than one woman, then why women don’t…

The Story of Love Part 2

      True love: As we have mentioned, this festival was annulled by Christian clerics…

The Story of Love Part 1

    The word “love” has great meaning, significance and is subject to certain limits in…

Slaves’ Rights in Islam and the West

Did Islam introduce slavery? In fact, slavery was prevalent throughout the world before the advent of…
