
Joseph brothers and the number of planets

Joseph brothers and the number of planets Is there a scientific miracle in the story of…

She wants to embrace Islam but cannot leave her non-Muslim husband

It is incumbent upon that woman to hasten to embrace Islam and not wait for separation…

May I Celebrate Christmas With My Christian Mother?

Responding to the question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic…

Can Islam Cure Depression?

What Is Depression? You seem to know the difference between situational depression (temporary deep distress or…

Top Italian Architect to Assist Prophet’s Mosque Expansion

  Madinah – A top international architect is currently visiting Madinah , located at Saudi Arabia, to…

A Messenger to Entire Humanity

“O Mankind!  The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe,…

Is the son of her husband’s daughter regarded as a mahram for her?

mce_marker Firstly: The son who is asked about here is regarded as a mahram for this…

Danish Scholar Discovers Islam

As a Muslim of Scandinavian origin I am often met with the question of why I…

Danish Scholar Discovers Islam

  As a Muslim of Scandinavian origin I am often met with the question of why…

Muslim Cricketer Named Aussie Sportsman

An Australian cricketer of Pakistani origin has been named as ‘Australia Muslim Sportsperson’ of 2013 at…