The Legacy of the Prophet

        In a Hadeeth on the authority of ‘Amr ibn Al-Haarith he said,…

Signs of the Divine Message

    The Message of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is the most magnificent and…

A General Amnesty is Declared

1- The people of Makkah were granted a general amnesty in spite of all the types…

His meeting Baheera the monk

  Abu Taalib set out on a journey to As-Shaam (greater Syria), and the Messenger of…

His participation in the re-building of the Ka’bah

    When Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was thirty-five years old, the Quraysh gathered to…

Early Life of the Prophet

    When he reached the age of forty, Allaah The Almighty honored him with Prophethood,…

The Prophet as a child

      Great people often display hints of their greatness to come, early on in…

The general condition of mankind at the birth of Prophethood

    An-Nadwi summarized the state of the Arabs and other people at that time, saying,…

Allaah safeguarded His Prophet before his Prophethood

    Allaah The Almighty safeguarded His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, from the polytheism of…

The marriage of The Prophet’s parents and his mother’s vision

    ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Abd Al-Muttalib was the dearest son of his father. Therefore, after ‘Abdullaah…