Nicolas Anelka, converts to Islam and Experiencing Peace

Nicolas Anelka, converts to Islam and Experiencing Peace For football fans the world, especially the supporters…

Why a billion Muslims abstain from food and drink ?

    First:   Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan as Allah ordered them to…

Is Jesus God because He Forgave Sins?

One of the most common argument that Christians bring forth is that Jesus forgave sin, therefore…

Karen Henderson, Professor of Jewish who amazed with Islam

Two weeks ago, after Friday I found a scrap of paper on my office desk at…

Is Jesus god?!

  By: Zeinb Abd AL-Aziz(PHD) A professor in French Civilization The  Burnt codices and the deified…

The “God” That Never Was

  Islam is the only religion which teaches the existence of a PERFECT God. A perfect…

You Must Know This Man (Muhammad ‘PBUH’)

You may be an atheist or an agnostic; or you may belong to anyone of the…

Muslim’s Relationship with Others As Derived from the Guidance of the Messenger

The relationship of a Muslim with non-Muslims has been based on so clear foundations that make me…

Twelve Proofs that Muhammad is a True Prophet

You should know that the Messenger, Muhammad the son of `Abdullah (may Allah’s blessings and peace…

What is Islam? part 4

There are five simple but essential observances that all practicing Muslims accept and follow.  These “Pillars…