The Status of Women in Islam

  By: Ayman Samy   Praise be to Allah, His peace and blessing be onto his…

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Are a Byproduct of Lewdness

Never does sexual perversion become widespread and publicly known in certain people without them being overtaken…

China Bans Ramadan Fast for Uyghurs

US Presidential Candidate Vows to End Islamophobia Love: An Islamic Perspective Divine Love: Muslim-Christian Differences The…

The Day of Resurrection (part 2 of 2): Resurrection

    Just lately, the news was filled with stories of the war criminal Slobodan Milošević…

90 Verses says: Jesus is not God

All four Gospels record Jesus as saying, “Blessed are the peace-makers; they will be called sons…

Hardness of Heart

The hard heart is that which contains a mixture of harshness and toughness; a heart that…

Moderation of Islam in legislation

  Moderation of Islam in legislation Talking about moderation of Islam in matters of legislation is…

Malcolm X’s Letter from Mecca

  Many Muslims who have been blessed to make Hajj often speak of how the journey is a…

How Islam Fights Hunger (30 Verses & Hadiths)

Eliminating hunger is one of the biggest challenges facing the world.  About 805 million people –one…

5 Ways for New Muslims to Find Inner Peace

Most reverts to Islam can pinpoint the exact moment when they began to question their previous…