Why are two women witnesses equivalent to only one man?

Why are two women witnesses equivalent to only one man?       This question is…

Non- Muslims are not permitted to enter Makka and Madinah

Non- Muslims are not permitted to enter Makka and Madinah   Question:   Why are non-Muslims…

A white baby for two black parents

This accident is exceptional as it isn’t normal matter. In the era of the prophet, prophet…

Jesus in the Holy Quran

Muslims and Christians believe different things about Jesus (peace be upon him). For Christians, he is…

A Wine-Drinking Jesus?

It is assumed as a fact that Jesus drank wine because it is said in the…

My Story with Hijab

When I decided to write about Hijab, head scarf, I absolutely didn’t know what shall I…

A theoretical dialogue between a Muslim and a Christian (part 2 of 2)

  Expressions of truth and steps of conversion.  Part 2. Abdullah: Yes, especially their misunderstanding of…

The Concept of God in the Bible

Dr. Zakir Naik:1. God is One The following verse from the book of Deuteronomy contains an…

Japan’s Muslim Friendly Airports

Striving to get a larger share of Muslim visitors, international airports in Japan have opened new…

Japan’s Muslim Friendly Airports

Striving to get a larger share of Muslim visitors, international airports in Japan have opened new…