Lady Evelyn Cobbold – A Scottish noblewoman

In 1934 the London publisher John Murray issued “Pilgrimage to Makkah”, an account by Anglo-Scottish convert…

Ablution and health purity

Allah says; “O believers, when you stand up to pray, wash your faces, and your hands…

The Quran challanges Atheism

By: Magdy Abdelsahfy Nothing could be so destructive to the human soul as atheism which is…

Ahmadya in the Scale of Islam

Ahamdaya is not a revealed religion, it is a political thought covered with some interpolations in…

From Christian Missionary to Muslim Preacher

Touring the black continent for years introduce Christianity to Africans, a Sierra Leonean Christian missionary has…

Survey shows Islam on rise, Christianity on decline in UK

London: Islam is continually growing at rapid pace across the globe and the European countries are…

The Rotation of the Earth

Among the many signs and evidences of the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad is the scinetific…

The Story of Mary in Brief

In Islam, Jesus is considered one of the five greatest prophets sent by God to mankind. …

Anselm Tormeeda, Priest and Christian Scholar, Spain

“A trusted student of a renowned Christian scholar in former Andalusia overhears a discussion about the…

According to Jesus, Bible and Qur’an – What is the Truth?

By: Irshaad Hussain Jesus said, “To this end was I born, and for this came I…