Dirk Walter Mosig, Ex-Catholic, Germany

At some point in your life, you should pick up a copy of the Quran and…

A Muslim at Thirteen!

Description: Eesa Ashby’s acceptance of Islam at a young age, what drew him to Islam, and…

N.K., Ex-Catholic, USA (part 1 of 5)

  Born in 1954 in the farm country of the northwestern United States, I was raised…

Dawood Kinney, Ex-Catholic, USA

As far back as I can remember as a child, I was always astounded by this…

Darrick Abdul-hakim, Ex-Christian, USA

My name is Darrick Abdul-hakim.  I am a 20-year-old Muslim brother living in the United States. …

Bruce Paterson, Ex-Christian, UK

  I would like to take the opportunity to share with you my journey to Islam…

Eric Schrody, Ex-Catholic, USA (part 2 of 2)

AB: My family tried to.  I just can’t understand that.  But you know what?  That’s a…

Penomee (Dr. Kari Ann Owen), Ex-Jew, USA

“There is no god but God, and Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be…

Craig Robertson, Ex-Catholic, Canada: From Bad to Worse

          My name is Abdullah Al-Kanadi.  I was born in Vancouver, Canada. …

Girl Becomes A Muslim, Natassia M. Kelly

Childhood: I was raised to believe in God from childhood. I attended church nearly every Sunday,…