Ahmadya in the Scale of Islam

Ahamdaya is not a revealed religion, it is a political thought covered with some interpolations in…

Prophet Muhammad did not Seek Polygamy

By Magdy Abdalshafy The Prophet Muhammad never shared any parties while he was still not appointed…

Why should apostates be Executed In Islam

  If someone tells you that the state executed a man who was guilty of murdering…

Is Allah going to treat Jews and Christians the same as Muslims?”

Answer: Yes. Actually, the Jews and Christians who believed in Allah as One God and obey the…

Wisdom behind the Prophet’s Polygyny

In the first and second themes we have discussed Prophet’s (PBUH) mar-riages and his uniqueness in…

I want to be a Muslim but… Myths about Converting to Islam (part 3 of 3)

        We finished Part 2 by mentioning that when a person converts to…

I want to be a Muslim but… Myths about Converting to Islam (part 2 of 3)

        There is no god but God.  It is a simple statement that…

I want to be a Muslim but… Myths about Converting to Islam (part 1 of 3)The most fundamental belie

        The most fundamental belief in Islam is that there is no true…

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (part 3 of 3): Strange superstitions are not part of Islam

    In the previous two articles we discussed the fact that not all Muslims represent…

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (part 2 of 3): Islam demands justice, even under duress

        Trying to convince people that Muslims are not terrorists, or that Muslim…