Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (part 1 of 3): An Introduction

        Islam and the followers of Islam, Muslims, are very prominent in the…

Differences in the way of reciting the Qur’an

        Question I’m involved in introducing Islam to non-Muslims. I would like you…

The Economic System of Islam (part 2 of 2): Its Ideology

The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity   The ideological basis in Islam may be summarized into…

The Economic System of Islam (part 1 of 2): The Sources of Islamic Economics

Introduction As a complete way of life, Islam has provided guidelines and rules for every sphere…

Misconceptions about Animals Rights: Cruelty to impure animals.

      Islam is a religion devoted to the concept of mercy.  Muslims are encouraged…

The Slaughter of Livestock (part 4 of 4): The Islamic Ruling Concerning Stunning (2)

        Health Removal of Blood: It is clear that the removal of the…

The Slaughter of Livestock (part 3 of 4): The Islamic Ruling Concerning Stunning (1)

        Although there is no specific prohibition of stunning prior to slaughtering of…

The Slaughter of Livestock (part 2 of 4): Modern Techniques of Slaughtering

        Modern Stunning Techniques Used Prior to Slaughtering Critics of Islamic and similar…

The Slaughter of Livestock (part 1 of 4): The Islamic Method of Slaughtering

      Although much less complicated and tedious that Jewish Keshrut, or Jewish dietary laws,…

What western thinkers said about Islam

        Islam came like a flood of light – it illumined the entire…