Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood (part 3): Was He Insane, a Poet, or a Sorcerer?

Was He Insane? Someone who has dealt with mentally ill knows people can be identified by…

Prophet Muhammad’s Justice and Equality

The Prophet asked people to be just and kind. As the supreme judge and arbiter, as…

The Simple Life of Muhammad, Peace be upon him.

If we compare the life of Muhammad, peace be upon him,   before his mission as…

Loving him is Following him

Muslims all over the world are deeply hurt by the recent anti-islam film against our beloved…

10 Points of Enlightenment on What Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Gave to Humanity

All praise is due to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon His final Messenger. Some…

What non-Muslim scholars said about Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)

  Nepolean Bonaparte – Quoted in Christian Cherfils BONAPARTE ET ISLAM (PARIS  1914): “I hope the…

Evidence that Muhammad was a Prophet

Question Can you prove that Muhammad is a true Prophet? What powers did God give him?…

What non-Muslim scholars said about Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him)

“I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all…

Michael H. Hart: Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons

  “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may…

The Civilized Principles in the Prophet’s Biography

Allah (THE ALMIGHTY) had granted his Messenger (PBUH) both the beauty of appearance and the beauty…