A lady tried to kill her husband due to sexual intercourse

  I saw an episode tackling a Muslim lady may kill her own spouse out of…

Why Islam Fights Immorality

It should not come as a surprise to us that Islam takes a very serious view…

Think! May Be It’s For Your Good

  Remember when you were very young and loved to play in the kitchen with all…

Concept of Gender Equality in Islam

Before discussing the concept of equality and how it relates to men and women in Islam,…

My Story with Hijab

When I decided to write about Hijab, head scarf, I absolutely didn’t know what shall I…

Why Do Muslims Pray?

        Why Do Muslims Pray?! Does It make sense?! All praise be to…

Prophet Mohammed’s Kindness

    Towards Children: He  was especially fond of children and used to get into the spirit…

The Rights of A Wife in Islam

        All the previous civilizations, they have considered the women to be an…

Muslims honor Jesus

Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him…

She wants to embrace Islam but cannot leave her non-Muslim husband

It is incumbent upon that woman to hasten to embrace Islam and not wait for separation…