500 Revert to Islam After Saudi King’s Funeral + video

      A YouTube video shared by a Saudi paper has showed 500 Chinese reverting…

Qur’an is Book of Peace: Pope

          Concluding his three-day visit to Turkey, Pope Francis has confirmed that…

Aussie Muslim Boxer Defies Discrimination

    CAIRO – Facing bullying because of his faith and race, an Australian Muslim, who…

Pope, Turkey’s Mufti Share Prayers

        ISTANBUL — Sending a message of unity between the followers of the…

US Muslims Deplore Kansas Shooting

    American Muslims have condemned the fatal shooting at a Kansas Jewish community center in…

Remove anti-Islam film from YouTube, US appeals court orders Google

        Washinton: A US appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google to remove from…

UK Muslim Women Want Their Voice Heard

Addressing the plight of British Muslim Women, Inspire, a UK based human rights organization led by…

US Muslims Run to Feed Hungry

Applying Islamic ethics in everyday life, US Muslim organizations in St. Louis, Missouri, are planning the…

Hijab Shines At Tokyo Fashion Week

Fashionable modest Islamic designs have hit the catwalk at Tokyo Fashion Week, stealing the camera lights…

Canada Honors Young Muslim Girl

A young Muslim girl has received the new Respectful Citizenship Award from the governor of Wolfville…