
Nigerian Christians head to support the Muslim candidate.


Boston mosque looks to build youth program

Boston mosque looks to build youth program While serving as youth director for a Knoxville mosque,…

Australian Defence Force to get its first Muslim Imam

Australian Defence Force to get its first Muslim Imam The Australian Defence Force is set to…

The Life of the Sun

The Life of the Sun The odd thing is that the Holy Quran has described the…

Human rights in Islam

  Human rights in Islam   Islam has laid down universal and fundamental rights for humanity…

National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP) works day and night for the safety of their country.


Swedish people gathered to support Muslims.

Swedish people gathered to support Muslims.A Muslim community in Sweden that faced a series of Islamaphobic…

A good advice!

listen carefully,

SF Muslim Community Looks For New Home

SF Muslim Community Looks For New Home “I came from Cleveland Clinic, where we have bigger…

Central Africa: Muslims have begun to trickle home,and have reopened mosques .

Central Africa: Muslims have begun to trickle home,and have reopened mosques . As calm returns, Muslims…