I Found the Perfect Code of Conduct in Islam

  Interviewer: Let me begin by a question I’m sure you get asked a lot: Why…

Obama’s Grandma Appeals Him to Embrace Islam

    By Muslim Mirror News, Makkah : Sara Omer, the 90-year-old grandmother of US President…

The Logic of The Quran Led Me to Islam

          It’s my pleasure to be with you here today to speak…


    German U20 International footballer Danny Blum has announced his reversion to Islam, describing it…

Sir Winston Churchill’s Family Feared He Might Convert to Islam

      He is indelibly associated with the fight to preserve Britain and its Empire…

Brother Damin’s Journey to Islam

My Journey to Islam by Damian Cúipéir I suppose you could say that my journey began…

Australian Sister Suzan Carland Reverted To Islam

Before I became a Muslim, I think I was just a normal teenager, I suppose. I…

The story of An American Convert to Islam

  Austin – Kevin is a young American who converted to Islam more than a year…

After Rejecting Islam For 23 Years Dad Died Muslim

Mr. Green was the ex-Director of Cairo Barclays Bank, and his son Abdur Raheem found Islam…

Life After Alcohol and Marijuana

My Path to Islam I grew up in a Catholic household, and my parents are followers…