The collection and compilation of the Quran

Part 1: During the Lifetime of the Prophet: A study of the compilation of text must…

Researchers Discover ‘Oldest’ Copy of the Quran in Germany

    Researchers from the Project Coranica at the University Library in Tübingen, Germany have discovered…

The Class of Quran Among the Divine Books

  The holy Quran is the longest, last, and the most inclusive divine book for it…

The Nature of Revelation

Revelation is where God imparts whatever knowledge He wills to those whom He chooses to receive…

Preservation of the Quran (part 2 of 2): The Written Quran

The entire Quran was however also recorded in writing at the time of revelation from the…

Preservation of the Quran (part 1 of 2): Memorization

The Glorious Quran, the Muslims’ religious Scripture, was revealed in Arabic to the Prophet Muhammad, may…

The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran (part 1 of 3): Mary

The Birth of Mary “Indeed God chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and the family…

The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran (part 3 of 3): Jesus II

The Passion of Christ “Then when Jesus felt their (persistence in) disbelief, he said, ‘Who will…

The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran (part 2 of 3): Jesus I

Jesus the Prophet   “Say, ‘We believe in God and what has been revealed to us…

The Story of the Quran (part 4 of 4): Then, Today, and for all Time

        When Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel, it…