Scots Finding Islam Increasingly

  Glasgow Central Mosque has been witnessing a sharp increase in the number Scottish people reverting…

First Rare Blood Moon In Decades Appears

  For the first time in three decades, a rare astronomical phenomenon is to happen this…

Church of England Blasts Anti-Islam Group

  Standing up against anti-Muslim bigotry in the UK, a group of Church of England clergy…

UK Muslims Reject Pig Vaccine

A nasal flu vaccine that contains pig gelatin has triggered Muslim parents’ concerns, whose children could…

Number of UK Muslim MPs Doubles

Making a new record in British parliament, a record of 13 Muslim lawmakers have been elected…

Chinese Imams Forced to Dance

URUMQI – In another crackdown on religious freedoms, China has forced the imams of eastern Muslim…

Non-Muslim Aussie Defends Muslim Woman on Train

    CAIRO – Amid increasing Islamophobic trends in the west, a non-Muslim Aussie woman has…

Muslim taxi driver returns £10,000 to passenger who left it in the back of his taxi

An honest Pakistani taxi driver earned the respect and friendship of his customer after returning a…

Muslims in American respond to evil with good.

Muslims in American respond to evil with good. Responding to hate with kindness, American Muslims have…

Nigerian Christians head to support the Muslim candidate.
