New Zealand to Open First Muslim Forum

Extending harmonious relations with the Muslim community, New Zealand’s Ethnic Affairs Minister has welcomed the opening…

UK Queen Hires Muslim As High Sheriff

CAIRO – Britain’s  Elizabeth II has appointed a Muslim revert as the Queen’s High Sheriff of…

Japanese Prime Minister Opened the Hand and Prayed Like Muslims

Abe, celebrated its 90th anniversary establishment of the Republic. Abe,”the Turkish people, history and traditions diligently…

Aussie Rugby Star Seeks New Life in Islam

Seeking redemption and peace in a new life, an Australian superstar rugby play has reverted to…

New wave of Islam in Bulgaria

NOTHING illustrates better the arrival of a new wave of Islam among Roma in Bulgaria’s southern…

Qur’an Courses Attract Millions in Turkey

Regaining Islamic flavor to Turkish secular education, a government religious directorate has organized Qur’an courses nationwide,…

Producer of Anti-Islam Film Performs Pilgrimage to Mecca

Upon embracing Islam, Arnoud indicated that he intends to produce a film in order to defend…

Producer of Anti-Islam Film Performs Pilgrimage to Mecca

Upon embracing Islam, Arnoud indicated that he intends to produce a film in order to defend…

Producer of Anti-Islam Film Performs Pilgrimage to Mecca

Upon embracing Islam, Arnoud indicated that he intends to produce a film in order to defend…

Producer of Anti-Islam Film Performs Pilgrimage to Mecca

Upon embracing Islam, Arnoud indicated that he intends to produce a film in order to defend…