By Sami Zaatari
Christians often claim that Islam, and the Quran is not a religion/book of peace because it contains passages dealing with warfare, basically Jihad.
They claim it is wrong that the Quran contains verses on fighting. In this article it is not our aim to respond to the verses of Jihad, rather it is to simply turn a few arguments on the Christians, and to ask themselves a few questions.
So with that said let us turn the tables on the Christians.
Now if the Quran is not a book of peace due to verses of Jihad, then what about verses like this from the Bible:
Ezekiel 9:5-7
“Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple.” So they began by killing the seventy leaders. “Defile the Temple!” the LORD commanded. “Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!” So they went throughout the city and did as they were told.”
So to our Christian friends, what about verses like this in your Bible?
We see clear genocide and violence in these passages, so my first question to the Christian is this:
Is Genocide and murder against women and Children okay?
It is up to the Christian to answer. Now if the Christian answers no, which is what most rational people would respond by, then this means the Bible is a book that condones genocide and murder against women and children.
This brings us to our second question:
If Genocide and Murder against women and children is wrong, is the Bible then wrong for allowing it?
It is up to the Christian to answer this. However so a Christian must now be consistent, if Genocide and murder against women and children isn’t right, then the Bible must be wrong for allowing it, and a Christian cant say “oh its okay in this case!”
Genocide against women and children is always wrong, plane and simple.
This brings us to our third question:
If Genocide against women and children is wrong, and the Bible allows it, this means the Bible allows something that is wrong, so why do you say such a book is a book of God if you don’t agree with genocide?
It is up to the Christian to respond. The Christian must be consistent.
Last but not least we ask our fourth question:
Since the Bible allows Genocide, is the Bible a book of peace?
It is up to the Christian to respond. We all know the answer to this question, but as I said, it is up to the Christian to respond, and it is up to the Christian to be honest with himself.
To summarize what we have so far:
-Christians are against wars and fighting
-Christians are against genocide and murder of women and children
-Christians deem such actions to be un-peaceful and barbaric
-The Bible allows Genocide against women and children
Put all of that together, and you get the answers to the questions, and we establish our main point!
And Allah Knows Best!