Residents appeal Planning Commission’s decision on Muslim cemetery
Residents in one valley community are trying to keep a cemetery from becoming a part of their neighborhood. They don’t want the Muslim cemetery to be housed at the southeast corner of Maudlin Avenue near Bermuda and E. Robindale roads.
However, the Clark County Planning Commission unanimously approved the plans for the cemetery on a patch of land next to an Islamic academy near Warm Springs and Bermuda roads.
Local doctor Osama Haikal owns the 2.1 acres of land. The 1,200 plot Muslim cemetery and funeral home was his idea.
It’s an area mostly surrounded by large homes and neighbors who disagree with the plans for the cemetery.
“If we’re exposed to burial ceremonies going on less than a hundred feet from my home, that to me is a big infringe on my right to privacy,” said Tim O’Reilly, lives next to the proposed cemetery.
Commissioner Steve Sisolak says he understands neighbors are upset, but legally there is no reason a private cemetery shouldn’t go on the land.
“I certainly hope this doesn’t become any more racially-motivated than it already has become,” Sisolak said. “It’s an allowable use with a special use permit, and its received approval its entire way through.”
References: alukah