
Speaking to Your Soul

My Path to Islam My entire life I had been confused about Christianity. When I would…

Jesus Was Neither Killed Nor Crucified

We have seen that Jesus (pbuh) greeted his disciples like a Muslim, by saying: “Peace be…

The Day of Resurrection (part 1 of 2): Introduction

    ‘Armageddon’, ‘Deep Impact’, ‘End of Days’, the list goes on and on, all though…

US Muslims Deplore Kansas Shooting

    American Muslims have condemned the fatal shooting at a Kansas Jewish community center in…

Remove anti-Islam film from YouTube, US appeals court orders Google

        Washinton: A US appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google to remove from…

The Embryo Life Cycle in the Mother’s Womb

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “Verily, each one of you is gathered together in…

What do Muslims believe ?

What’s Islam?Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all…

A Martial Art Led Me to Islam

My experience in Islam began as a graduate student in New York City in 1998. Up…

Why did prophet Mohammed marry Aisha the young girl?

  Before refuting this misconception, I should ask a question: Is the real purpose to criticize…

The Bible, the Qur’an and Violence

A Question: “I have read the answer to the question on violence provided by Professor Shahul…