Raphael Narbaez, Jr., Jehovah’s Witness Minister, USA (part 1 of 2)

      A forty-two-year-old Latino, Raphael, is a Los Angeles-based comic and lecturer.  He was…

Noor, Ex-Hindu, UK (part 2 of 2)

In these days of so called “society of equal rights”, you are expected to have a…

Noor, Ex-Hindu, UK (part 1 of 2)

I came from a purely Hindu family where we were always taught to regard ourselves (i.e.…

Ibrahimovic and his Muslim Status

The action on the field was incredible and often unpredictable. However, there are often jammed from…

Jason Newman

Jason Newman, Islam and Music became her life’s mission “The apostle is really an example of…

Salman the Persian, Zoroastrian, Persia (part 2 of 2): From Christianity to Islam

      The man died, and Salman stayed in Amuria.  One day, “Some merchants from…

Salman the Persian, Zoroastrian, Persia (part 1 of 2): From Zoroastrianism to Christianity

      The blessed Companion of the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of…

Why British Women are Turning to Islam

          An article published in The Times about the rise of Islam…

Shopkeeper Giving Practical Lesson about Islam

Abdullah was a young man with basic high school education. He was on active duty in…

N.K., Ex-Catholic, USA (part 4 of 5)

These considerations were in my mind the second year I studied at Chicago, where I became…