Abdullah Ibn Salam (part 1 of 2): What is in a name?

    In 622CE Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, and most of the Muslim community…

Uthman Ibn Affan (part 2 of 2): The Possessor of Two Lights

  Uthman ibn Affan, Based on the work of Imam Ibn Kathir. The Rightly Guided Caliphs,…

Uthman Ibn Affan (part 1 of 2): Generous and Pious

                Uthman ibn Affan was the third of Prophet…

A Messenger to Entire Humanity

          The Muslim sacred scripture, namely the Quran, lovingly invites people to…

The Manners of the Prophet In Fighting Enemies part 1

        The world did not know a president or conqueror more merciful than…

The Manners of the Prophet In Fighting Enemies(part 2)

Third: his Manners After Fighting When the battle has come to an end and the victorious…

The Prophet’s Uniqueness in the Matter of Marriage

      Although marriage is an integral part of Allah’s ordinances for his worship-pers and…

The Prophet’s High Morals

      Allah (THE ALMIGHTY) had granted his Messenger (PBUH) both the beauty of appearance…

Loftiest Values of Prophet Muhammad’s Attributes

Having dealt with the noble civilized values of Prophet Muhammad’ s (PBUH) polygamy and jihad(1) in the…

The Honourable Civilized Principles of the Holy War (Jihad) of the Prophet PBUH

The second discredit about the character and way of conduct of the Proph-et PBUH was the…